Wednesday August 31, 2011 14:07

Paz de la Huerta is a New Yorker who’s been acting since she was but a wee child. She’s also an artist, designer, and writer who likes punk rock. If you want to see her punk rocks, you’ll have to check out 5 Up 2 Down (2005). When she throws her naked 2 down, you’ll be up, up, up! After a few lonely, skinless years, Paz paraded her Pez dispensers and tight azz around
Sunday August 28, 2011 10:04

Theres nothing like the appeal of a good girl gone bad. And a good girl gone bad (read: nude) while still retaining her good-girl qualities? Irresistible. Elegant enchantress Anne Hathaway is one such creature. This long-limbed gazelle with the liquid brown eyes gave hints of the Hathaway honey as Meghan Green in the farcical Fox family drama Get Real, but she rose to major prominence as ravishing royalty in the hit Disney kiddie movie.
Sunday August 28, 2011 10:02

In April 2009, the film Powder Blue rewrote skinema history by showcasing Jessica Biel as a stripper who actually strips. You read that correctly: Jessica Biel, stripper. And Jessica Biel is a nude stripper to boot. For unlike other contemporary teases of young Hollywood who have claimed to portray exotic dancers and then do nothing but dance, in Powder Blue, stripper Jessica Biel actually storms a strip-club stage, peels to reveal her amazing breasts
Friday August 26, 2011 08:05

Angelina Jolie is no less than the biggest superstar in the world. She possesses the superhumanly sensual built bod and ridiculously pillowy lips that could reduce any being-man, woman, gay, straight-to a quivering pile of desire. If you have not lusted after this super A-lister, you may want to consult a physician and make sure you still have a heartbeat.
Friday August 26, 2011 08:03

This is the tale of a sadly underutilized instrument of beauty finally being recognized and appreciated. After a slew of straight-to-video outings (Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror [1998]) and blink-and-you’ll-miss-her roles (A Night at the Roxbury [1998]), Latina hottie Eva Mendes writhed and quaked into mass ass consciousness as the busty, underdressed girlfriend of Denzel Washington in Training Day (2001).